Sunday, July 8, 2012

air max only strategists

To basis in fact.
However, my personal objective study of the cause of his later years, have learned is that all of Mao in his later years to resolve two key issues: one is how to break the bipolar world order of the United States and the Soviet Union, the establishment of China and the United States Su Dingli new world order, China's dignity and integration into the international family. One is how to build one of China's socialist country to be maintained generations of psychological protection, that is, the ideas and spirit of the Great Wall, or simply call it the heart of the Great Wall. Unfortunately, the These two are big strategy, grand theories, grand strategy, all need the courage of the vulgarity that is,air max only, the game of chess under Mao in his later years, a far-reaching idea, of marvelous, complex changes in a game of chess, because his eyes had to invest in the distant future, so ahead of its time and ahead of many, this is Li Rui and Pang Prophet said, Mao in his later years more and more out of practical reasons. of his later years, is indeed too far ahead. much to his countrymen, his old comrades, the old comrades do not understand, can not keep up. ancients said that the song high and few, it is true.
He wrong? Is hard to draw conclusions, because the two anti-Mao in his later years (the anti-imperialist, anti-revisionist) of the proposition, after all, than Mao had made any decision-making, such as Ta Kwu new battle than during the Long March, he resolutely opposed to heavy much, much larger, much deeper, much more complex.
thousands of years later the descendants in order to prove his great,jordan air force ones, his thought and speech is not also been attacked criticized?
Speaking of Mao's theory of courage and strategic courage, when our eyes are facing a very serious, very out of control to the trend of the Taiwan Strait on the occasion, is it not a theoretical courage, like * that strategic courage in China leaders what? let him lead us in peace, if not possible, it would be The situation continues to deteriorate, this feeling will definitely increase, because in his time, * forces ever so rampant arrogance?
Talent count as a moral quality? Confucian wisdom within five Dade (Wisdom and Faith), seen as a Virtue, a spiritual quality. Mao's talent is multifaceted, and they are all exceptional talent; he is even the history of mankind in the history of China, a rare Masterpieces Wizards of the military, philosophy, literature, politics and other aspects extraordinary talent. Jesus, Buddha is just a religious leader, Confucius, Socrates Plato is a philosopher, educator, grandson just a strategist, strategists, of Emperor, Genghis Khan, Emperor Kangxi, only a military strategist, statesman, Li Bai, Du Fu, just a poet, Wang Xizhi just a calligrapher. However, * but concurrently

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