Tuesday, June 5, 2012

lightest basketball shoes ever but when he think of that kid ferocious threat

The mercy of a little less, there was an immediate capsize the risk of ...
fastest aircraft rushed over, there may be bodyguards the day would be inconvenient, but I believe things will pass as long as they are not secretly play any tricks on the next face child thing, easy to handle after all, they instead of the previous and mom, we is not the original Young white old! Xiao Huang came home, put the house in all visible things smashed a pulpy, in Beijing, has always been yellow young master sideways, big boy has not eaten today, so the loss, but when he think of that kid ferocious threat, chilling, and Shanxi in his impression that the sheep do not shit in accordance with his ideas, in that place, can actually spend very little money to do that can easily get his whole family thing, the thought of one day we might have, like the Israelis in the TV, sudden meat bomb pieces,lightest basketball shoes ever, Xiao Huang scalp felt numb, but he swallowed the mouth of a bird gas he never do, so he should take the lead in attack ...
Which bear the brunt is the first to investigate the other's background, although relatively small yellow Dandyism, but also not stupid to not know the ins and outs on the rash hands of the point ...
The same thing, in fact, I Chutian Xiong and Feng To sword also, a matter of fact, when When Chu Tianxiong about the incident, almost did not worry himself went to Beijing, bodyguards quickly sent over all everyone understands that, any one of the nation's capital, are a variety of entrenched where deep-rooted, especially when this is in addition to protect the safety of the girls, Chu Tianxiong already spent all linked to the relationship investigate each other's background, even the Wu Wei home has also been invited Wu Jian to ...
Xiao Huang students on hand, will soon have a named real M1b youth jerseys, and male day detailed investigation report, in fact, the background of this company in Shanxi also let him feel a little bad start in the next surface only a breakthrough on the children is perhaps that just set up the Beijing branch, but he understands that to combat such a newly formed unit for the company in terms of assets over 200 million, basically not much affected ...
Which led to his surprise, the other reaction is rapid, and he commanded his men to go with a man tentatively to each other to find some bad luck when he was surprised to find each other within a few short hours, has been transferred from Shanxi the number of people a lot of bodyguards, but Chu has also been from the hostel to move out in each other's company, or school of their security measures are very strict and he can not muster too many people to deal with this thing here, after all, Beijing, too much movement will be a big problem, that time I definitely want to fix him. everything Xiao Huang students to feel each other like a nowhere port hedgehog, Xiao Huang students then he really felt this thing moving in the direction beyond their control ...

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